Professional Level Abdominal Therapy Classes

If you’ve ever felt as though there’s something missing in your professional hands-on practice, these classes are for you. Abdominal Therapy for Professionals bridges the gap between traditional healing practices and thoughtful, inclusive, professional education. These classes are open to all professional practitioners who hold a background in anatomy and physiology and are able to perform massage on clients within the legal requirements of their state or country, including Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Physical Therapists, Midwives, Naturopaths, Nurses, Physicians, and more.

Abdominal Therapy for Professionals: Level 1 focuses on the anterior portion of the abdominal treatment as developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo and presented by the Abdominal Therapy Collective. In this class you’ll first learn how to perform Your Abdominal Massage (YAM) on yourself, before learning how to apply these techniques to your clients. Along the way, we’ll review abdominal and pelvic anatomy and physiology, function and relationships, and integrate steps to being a trauma-informed practitioner. We’ll explore how discomfort and dysfunction in the digestive and reproductive systems can be addressed through gentle external massage, and we’ll learn how to perform a professional treatment including client education for self massage and supportive modalities. Throughout the entire class, we will be focusing on the mind-body connection as well as an exploration of the traditional lineage and cultural and historical origins of this bodywork.

Abdominal Therapy for Professionals: Level 2 focuses on the posterior portion of the treatment as developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo and presented by the Abdominal Therapy Collective. ATP1 is a prerequisite to this class, and the abdominal and pelvic anatomy and treatment protocol will be reviewed at the start of this class. We’ll move on to review the structural and functional anatomy of the lumbosacral region and gain deeper understanding of how the sacrum and coccyx can relate to various pain patterns and dysfunction in the pelvis and beyond. Students will learn how to perform a posterior treatment which completes the full treatment protocol. Students must complete both ATP1 & 2 before moving on to additional advanced technique classes with the Abdominal Therapy Collective.

Abdominal Therapy for Professionals: Pregnancy through Postpartum takes your Abdominal Therapy skills to a new population. Master bodywork techniques to mobilize the sacrum and reduce tension in the pelvic floor to facilitate a smooth labor and birth. Discover ways to support clients in their postpartum and cesarean birth recovery as well as ways to help them prepare prior to becoming pregnant. Learn supportive natural fertility enhancement protocols and how to work with families choosing medically assisted reproductive techniques. ATP1 is a prerequisite to this class, and it is strongly suggested that ATP2 be taken beforehand, but not mandatory.

Trauma Informed Massage Classes

Work smarter and more compassionately without working harder.

Expand your practice beyond “just muscles” and learn how to create a safe space for clients who have experienced trauma. Understanding how the mind/body connection stores emotional experiences as pain patterns is just the first step in a massage therapist’s journey to embodying the principles of being a trauma informed practitioner. You’ll learn how to “listen with all of your senses,” specific tools to help regulate the nervous system, techniques to allow you to hold space for a client during a time of emotional dysregulation, and ways to set your practice up to prevent re-traumatization of clients.